Are you looking to add a PayPal payment form to your WordPress site?

PayPal makes it super-easy to accept payments on your website. It is convenient, cost-effective, secure, and already used by millions of users around the world.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add a PayPal payment form in WordPress.

How to Add a PayPal Payment Form in WordPress

Why Accept PayPal Payments in WordPress?

You don’t need a full-fledged eCommerce store to accept payments on your WordPress website. If you’re only selling a single product or accepting payments for consulting or services, then adding a payment form is much simpler.

PayPal is arguably the most popular and trusted online payment gateway in the world. And since PayPal handles the entire transaction, you don’t have to worry about security issues, getting a separate merchant processor for credit cards, or PCI compliance.

With that being said, let’s take a look at how to easily add a PayPal payment form in WordPress.

How to Add a PayPal Payment Form in WordPress

There are many WordPress PayPal plugins available in the market that lets you add a payment button or order form on your site.

But when it comes to the flexibility of building the order form and adding customizations without code, we believe WPForms is the best option.

WPForms is the best drag and drop form builder plugin for WordPress used by over 5 million websites. It lets you create a simple billing or order form without the need for a full-fledged eCommerce platform or shopping cart plugin.

We recommend using WPForms because it lets you accept both PayPal and credit cards in the same form through their integration with credit card services like Stripe, Square, and

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the WPForms » Settings page to enter your license key. You can find this information in your WPForms account area. Make sure you click the ‘Verify Key’ button to activate your license.

Enter Your WPForms License Key

Next, go to the WPForms » Addons page. Here, you need to install the PayPal Standard addon. Simply find it in the list, and then click the ‘Install Addon’ button below it.

The addon will be automatically installed and activated for you.

Install the PayPal Standard Addon

Now, it’s time to create your payment form.

Creating a PayPal Payment Form in WordPress

Simply go to the WPForms » Add New page in your WordPress admin area to launch the form builder.

First, you need to provide a title for your form and then scroll down to the ‘Billing / Order Form’ template and click the ‘Use Template’ button.

Select the Billing / Order Form Template

WPForms will now automatically load your form template in the drag and drop builder. It’s easy to add, remove, or change the fields on your form.

For example, a Multiple Items list has been added to the form so your visitors can select the product or service they wish to pay for. Once you click on this field you will be able to customize the field’s label and the name and price of each item.

Customize the Multiple Items List

If you are only offering a single item, then you should delete the Multiple Items field by clicking the trash icon in the top right corner of the field.

Next, you can scroll down to the Single Item field and drag it onto your form.

Add a Single Item Field to Your Form

You can click on this field to customize it.

For instance, you can change the field’s label, description, and price. The preview of your form on the right will be updated automatically.

Configure the Single Item Field

If you are only offering a single item, then the Total field is unnecessary. Feel free to delete it.

Next, you need to go to Payments » PayPal Standard to set up PayPal. Simply check the ‘Enable PayPal Standard payments’ box.

Check the Enable PayPal Standard Payments Box

If you don’t already have one, you will need to create a PayPal account. Then you can enter your PayPal email address into the WPForms settings.

After that, you need to fill in the other PayPal settings. If you wish to test your payment form, then you should select the ‘Test / Sandbox’ mode. This allows you to make dummy PayPal payments to make sure that the form is working correctly.

Don’t forget to change the Mode option back to ‘Production’ when you have finished testing.

Most websites will need the ‘Products and Services’ payment type. The other option is ‘Donations’, and you can learn more in our guide on how to add a PayPal donate button.

You can also add a URL to redirect users who don’t complete the payment, and decide whether a shipping address and note are required.

Finally, you can use the ‘Enable Conditional Logic’ option to accept multiple payment types. For more details, see our guide on how to allow users to choose a payment method on WordPress forms.

Once you’re done, click the Save button to store your settings.

Click the Save Button to Store Your Settings

Your online PayPal payment form is now ready, and you can add it to any WordPress post or page on your website.

Adding Your PayPal Payment Form to Your Website

WPForm makes it super easy to add forms anywhere on your website.

Simply create a new post or page, or edit an existing one. Then, click on the plus (+) sign at the top and add a WPForms block in the WordPress editor.

Add a WPForms Block to Your Post or Page

After that, select your order form from the dropdown menu in the WPForms block.

Once you’re finished, you can save or publish your page and click on the preview button to see your form in action.

PayPal Payments Form Preview

When your users fill in the form and click the ‘Submit’ button, the ‘Pay with PayPal’ screen will appear automatically so they can finalize the payment.

Pay With PayPal Screen

Congratulations, you’ve now created a PayPal payment form in WordPress.

You can connect your payment forms with email marketing services, Google Sheets, and other apps to further streamline your workflow using WPForms native integrations.